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Sand Castle Books

Sand Castle Books was established in March 2021, and is on a mission to create access to early literacy opportunities for young children. Specifically, aiming to create books that represent children of color because there is a huge disparity in representation. I believe that it is important to increase children’s awareness and acceptance of diversity at an early age. Family structures today are varied, and it is important that children have access to stories that are relatable.

Daddies and Uncles and More, Oh My!

it is one of few books on the market that addresses an important and relevant theme. It honors and celebrates, not only the biological father, but all and any male presence in the family. It emphasizes the positive influence of the male figure and its positive impact in a child's life.

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Lili is at it again!

Kindness will always be a number one value for Lili, and this time she is sharing a message about being kind despite differences. It emphasizes accepting and valuing people who are different as an essential social characteristic. This book promotes diversity and allows the reader to focus on empathy and equality. It conveys to children what it means to matter and to be accepted just the way they are! It encourages treating all people the way you want to be treated- with fairness and kindness. For inside- we are just alike!

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I Can! Just Not Like You

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I Can! Just Not Like You, highlights inclusiveness, equity, and tolerance and shows how friends navigate through life in their own special way.


What People Say

“Great read! The author is a leading early childhood expert!”

Melissa Mishoe

“This is a must read and have in every child’s library! It’s beautifully written and illustrated and conveys a beautiful message to children about how important all black men are in the lives of their children. As an early educator and as a white mom, I wish this was available when my daughter was little. It definitely would have been in her library. Well done Ms. Leo-Henry!”


“Reviewed in the United States on May 16, 2021
Kashama Leo-Henry has written a sweet children’s book with rhyme and beautiful illustrations. Her message is clear, Black Men are contributing to children’s lives in so many positive ways! Adding this to the library at home and school, no matter what color your skin is, will help children either see themselves or help children find the commonalities with others. My kids enjoyed this book, too. I hope every teacher and parent will add this book to their libraries.”

Melody McAllister

Yes!! Finally a book that covers and highlights the side of African-decent men who play the vital role in the development of a child. Most of the time more than one man, be it uncle , father, brother, grandfather or all of them combined can positively nurture a child’s environment
. The author, vividly brings this picture to life , in the simplest terms! This is a must buy, and needs to be in every person of color’s library. The truth is , most of the time that is the typical family setting in a home for a person of color. Good Job! Looking forward to volume 2!

Talmas Innocent

“The book is well written and well illustrated. The length is adequate for young children and will maintain their attention. Children love rhymes; thus, the rhythm of the content is awesome. Great job to the author.”

Dr. Debra Parker

“I purchased this book right off my 7yr old daughter’s kindle, I got the opportunity beforehand to read to both my kids. An 8-month-old boy included, being in the childcare profession and having read 100s of books I can confidently say, this one is kids and adult approved! Get you a copy ASAP as a small appreciation to all the wonderful “Daddies, Uncles and more”.. in your lives…”Oh my”! she did that, well worded,rhymes,short but definitely sweet. In my eyes this is a dedication from a black queen to all the black kings that show devotion on the daily no matter the obstacle! Love it…OWN YOURS TODAY.”

Ferchin Mathurin

“Great read! The author is a leading early childhood expert!”

Melissa Mishoe

“This is a must read and have in every child’s library! It’s beautifully written and illustrated and conveys a beautiful message to children about how important all black men are in the lives of their children. As an early educator and as a white mom, I wish this was available when my daughter was little. It definitely would have been in her library. Well done Ms. Leo-Henry!”
